
ADULT COSMETIC: (213) 383-3322



Chin Liposuction

Many people notice a double chin when they look in the mirror, take selfies, or take Zoom calls. The chin can be genetic or from weight gain. Removing the extra fat under the chin can create a stronger jaw-line, contoured neck, and overall slimmer appearance.

  • Improvement of double chin
  • Stronger jaw line
  • A more V shaped jawline, especially when combined with buccal fat removal and a chin implant
  • Better profile

Local anesthesia, twilight or general: patient preference

You will have swelling for the week after surgery, which quickly subsides. You will need to wear a chin strap in the beginning to sculpt the neck skin into place. You should avoid intense exercise for 4 weeks after surgery to minimize swelling.

No. The liposuction scars are hidden behind the ears and under the chin, and only a few millimeters.

Good candidates have extra fat in the neck causing a double chin. If you have a double chin combined with sagging skin in the neck, you may need a concurrent procedure with Renuvion, which tightens neck skin. The best way to understand the possibilities is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yao so that she can assess your anatomy.